Year | Fellow | Host Organization |
2024 | Elizabeth (Liz) Poulos | Global Labor Justice |
Zoe Olbrys | California Department of Justice | |
2023 | Chinaza Asiegbu | West African Transitional Justice Centre |
Sabrina Ochoa | Center for Justice and International Law | |
Krister Rasmussen | U.N. Special Rapporteur for Extreme Poverty and Human Rights | |
2022 | Andrew Santana | International Rights Advocates |
Ishita Petkar | EarthRights | |
Julia Lee | International Corporate Accountability Lab | |
Madeleine Rogers | International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance | |
Zoe Shamis | Clooney Foundation for Justice | |
2021 | Kirin Gupta | Rights & Security International (RSI) |
Amre Metwally | Social Media Exchange | |
2020 | Sondra Anton | International Human Rights Clinic, International Crisis Group |
Anoush Baghdassarian | Atlantic Council/Iran Human Rights Documentation Center, The Sentry | |
Mohammad Zia | Dejusticia | |
2019 | Angel Gabriel Cabrera Silva | Colectivo Emanicpaciones |
Matthew Farrell | Amnesty International | |
Ji Yoon Kang | International Rescue Committee | |
Julian Morimoto | Initiatives for Dialogue and Empowerment through Alternative Legal Services (IDEALS) | |
Emily Ray | Forest Peoples Programme | |
2018 | Ginger Cline | Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) |
D Dangaran | Lawyers for Human Rights | |
Krista Oehlke | EarthRights International | |
Sara Oh | UNHCR | |
Delphine Rodrik | Human Rights Watch | |
Eun Sung Yang | Justice Base | |
2017 | Allie Brudney | Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) |
Niku Jafarnia | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | |
Alisan Oliver-Li | Legal Assistance Centre (LAC) | |
Claudia Torres | Brigada Callejera de Apoyo a la Mujer “Elisa Martinez” | |
Thaya Uthayophas | Privacy International | |
Evelyn Zheng | Justice Base | |
2016 | Alyssa Oravec | KELIN |
Kelsey Jost-Creegan | Tierra Digna | |
MacKenna Graziano | Southern African Litigation Centre (SALC) | |
Marissa Brodney | International Criminal Court, in the Jurisdiction, Complementarity and Cooperation Division | |
Nadia Raynes | LRC: Legal Resources Centre | |
2015 | Brent Drummond | St. Andrew’s Refugee Services – Refugee Legal Aid Project |
Evelyn Smith | Documentation Center of Cambodia/Sleuk Rith Institute | |
Hannah Belitz | The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) | |
Irene Mbah | Legal Resources Centre | |
Leora Smoth | Klippenstein’s public Interest Law Firm | |
Peter Stavros | UNICEF | |
Valentina Montoya Robledo | Center for Reproductive Rights Office | |
2014 | Angel Everett | Dejusticia |
Daniel Groh-Wargo | International Commission of Jurists, Asia Pacific Office | |
Lillian Axelrod | Proyecto Derechos Economicos, Sociales, y Culturales | |
Lindsay Church | Media Legal Defence Initiative | |
Michelle Ha | Contractual & Constitutional Law Branch of the UN World Food Programme’s Legal Office | |
Tobyn Aaron | International Commission of Jurists, Asia Pacific Office | |
2013 | Alexandra Drimal | European Roma Rights Center |
Benjamin Bastomski | The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) | |
Caroline Sacerdote | Legal Resources Centre | |
Elizabeth Nehrling | Lawyers for Human Rights | |
Evelyn Kachaje | UN World Food Programme | |
Nanjala Nyabola | Bureau des Avocats Internationaux | |
Rebecca Wolozin | Mexicanos Primero | |
Yueduan Wang | Zhicheng Migrant Worker Legal Aid Center | |
2012 | Adriana Benedict | Lawyers Collective |
Elizabeth Jensen | Zhicheng Public Interest Law firm | |
Hanae Fujinami | UN Office of Drug and Crime | |
Harin Song | UN International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia | |
Hyoengsu Park | Citizen’s Alliance for North Korean Human Rights | |
L. Elizabeth Floyd | the Helsinki Group | |
Nicolette Boehland | Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict | |
Valerie Duchesneau | World Food Programme | |
Veronica Sauer | European Roma Rights Centre | |
2011 | Aaron Marcus | International Law Commission. Geneva, Switzerland |
Alan Sun | International Justice Mission. Washington DC | |
Ankita Ritwik | International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia | |
Benjamin Freeman | Conectas Direitos Humanos. Soa Paulo, Brazil | |
Beverly Vu | Open Democracy Advocacy Centre, Cape Town, South Africa | |
Brett Stark | Mapendo International | |
Clarissa Lintner | Poder Ciudadano Foundation | |
Daniel Berkovits | Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centres. Mumbai, India | |
David Attanasio | Comisión Colombiana de Juristas | |
Elizabeth Stork | Asociación por los Derechos Civiles | |
Elizabeth Summers | NGO “Article 42 of the Constitution” HR Protection Organization. Tbilisi, Georgia | |
Elsa Meany | Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia | |
Frances Dales | Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales | |
James Tager | Burma Lawyer’s Council. Tak, Thailand | |
Jie Gao | Aboriginal Legal Service. Australia | |
Jillian London | Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre. London, Uk | |
Julienne Eby | Amnesty International. Tokyo, Japan | |
Lauren Sidner | Center for Legal Assistance of Pollution Victims, Beijing, China | |
Michelle Dowst | International Center for Transitional Justice. Dem. Republic of Congo | |
Patricia Cruz | Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales | |
Ryan Beaton | Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore | |
2010 | Alejandro Canelas | Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales |
Ashley Chung | Fundacion Ambiente y Recursos Naturales | |
Brad Adams | Human Rights Education Institute | |
Caitlin Connolly | Poder Ciudadano | |
Caroline Mayberger | Open Democracy Advice Centre | |
Hilary Thrasher | Legal Aid | |
Jaime Latcham | IJM (International Justice Mission) | |
James Brenton | CEEweb | |
Joelle Milov | Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia | |
Kayla Southworth | Unidos por La Justicia Associacion Civil | |
Kimberly Tesarek | Irish Centre for Human Rights | |
Matthew Parker | International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia | |
Peter Dickos | International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia | |
Ronnie Gosselin | Asociación por los Derechos Civiles | |
Yonina Alexander | Centre for Accountability and the Rule of Law | |
2009 | Alan Cheuk | Justice and Pease Commission/Carter Center |
Benjamin Hoffman | DeJuSticia | |
Brett Jason Hartman | Irish Centre for Human Rights | |
Charline Yim | International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia | |
Chelsea Sharon | Center for Justice and International Law | |
Christine Rizk | International Org for Migration | |
Cory Needle | Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN) | |
Faina Shalts | CEEweb | |
Giovanni Mejia | Poder Ciudadano | |
Julie Wimmer | Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales | |
Kathleen Gibbons | Human Rights and Law Defenders | |
Leigh Ann Webster | International Refugee Rights Initiatve | |
Marissa Vahlsing | La Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia (ACIJ) | |
Namita Wahi | Human Rights Law Network | |
Naomi Mower | HIV/AIDS Unit of Lawyers Collective | |
Rebecca Agule | Pact | |
Sara Zampierin | Centro de Implementación de Políticas Púbilicas para la Equalidad y el Crecimento | |
Virginia Corrigan | Asociación por Derechos Civiles | |
Yujing Yue | Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee | |
2008 | Anna Lamut | Human Rights Education Institute of Burma |
Claret Vargas | Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS) | |
Craig Walzer | Forced Migration and Refugee Studies Center at the American University in Cairo | |
Gregory Brazeal | Foundation for Human Rights Initiative | |
Jessica Corsi | Human Rights Law Network | |
Joseph Pileri | Unidos por la Justicia | |
Kan Yan | KESAN | |
Lauren Birchfield | Amnesty International | |
Lauren Pappone | EarthRights International | |
Leigh Webster | South African Human Rights Commission | |
Lisha Li | UNIAP | |
Michael Posner | Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN) | |
Namita Wahi | Human Rights Law Network | |
Neha Sheth | Asociacion por los Derechos Civiles (ADC) | |
Nitya Lin | Alternative Law Forum | |
Patrick McNally | Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento (CIPPEC) | |
Rachael Bankes | Legal Resource Center | |
Rachel Clarke | International Service HR | |
Rebecca Agule | WADAN | |
Rehan Abeyratne | Southeast Asia Rivers Network | |
Shannon Erwin | BADIL | |
So Jeong Hong | International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda | |
Titus Lin | Timap for Justice | |
Will Matin | Southeast Asia Rivers Network | |
2007 | Ariella Sckolnik | Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento (CIPPEC) |
Christopher Rogers | Palestinian Center for Human Rights | |
Erika Rickard | Concerned for Working Children | |
Gregory Scally | International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda | |
Hannah Simpson | Center for Research and Training on Development | |
Helen Lawrence | Justica Global | |
Jacylyn Gardner | Bachao Andolan (South Asian Coalition on Child Servitude) | |
Joel Pollak | Association for Civil Rights | |
Katherine Currie | UN Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Tribunals | |
Katherine Glenn | Sierra Leone Court Monitoring Programme | |
Kavitha Joseph | Judicial Inspectorate of Prisons | |
Komala Ramachandra | People’s Union of Civil Liberties | |
Laura Binger | Central Council of Disabled Persons | |
Lauren Coyle | Friends of the Earth | |
Lisa Lightbody | Bellona Environmental Rights Center | |
Matthew Bugher | International Organization for Migration – Bangkok, Counter Trafficking Unit | |
Matthew Wells | Asociacion por Derechos Civiles (ADC) | |
Patrick Childress | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (Office of Legal Council) | |
Rafael Hernandez | Judicial Inspectorate of Prisons | |
Rebecca Jaffe | UNHCR (Protection Unit) | |
Ricardo Zimbron | Minority Rights Group International | |
Rozanne Neil | Unidos por la Justicia | |
Sarah Downer | Partners for Law in Development (PLD) | |
Savith Iyengar | Transparency International | |
Sheila Myung | International Justice Mission | |
Stephanie Early | Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS) | |
Thomas Becker | PRIDE | |
Tobias Berkman | Special Court for Sierra Leone | |
2006 | Albertina Antognini | Asociacion por los Derechos Civiles |
Samantha N. Bent | Timap for Justice | |
Rachel M. Boynton | International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia | |
Stephanie Brewer | Visayan Forum Foundation, Inc | |
Fernando Delgado | Justica Global & Human Rights Watch | |
Nathan Ela | Task Force Detainees of the Philippines | |
Elizabeth Fischer | Legal Assistance Center: Gender Research and Advocacy Project | |
Brendan Hickey | Mekong Regional Law Center | |
Jose Klein | Association of the Erased | |
Sarah Knuckey | Mineral Policy Institute | |
Jonathan Krop | Unidos por la Justicia | |
Cara Viglucci Lopez | Foundation for Human Rights Initiative | |
Becky Mangold | Khmer Institute of Democracy | |
Nicholas Marantz | Legal Aid of Cambodia | |
Timothy D. Mayhle | Center for Law and Democracy | |
Zinaida Miller | Institute for Justice and Reconciliation | |
Meghan Morris | Alternative Law Forum | |
Kate Nicholson | Centre for Positive Care (HIV/AIDS) | |
Olamipe Isien Okunseinde | Legal Resources Centre | |
Meredith Petrin | Women Power Connect | |
Deborah Alejandra Popowski | Justica Global | |
Komala Ramachandra | International Crisis Group | |
Greg Scally | Transparency International | |
2005 | Ben Maxymuk | Sierra Leone Equal Access to Justice Project |
Derek Schwede | International Bridges to Justice | |
Diane Lucas | Legal Resource Centre | |
Georgina Mensah-Datsa | United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda | |
Grace K. Lee | International Justice Mission | |
Jacob Kopas | Asociacion Paz y Esperanza (Peace and Hope) | |
Jiewuh Song | Earth Rights International | |
Jillian Ashley | International Bridges to Justice | |
Jing Wang | International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda | |
Judith Shophet | Groupo Unidos del Sud | |
Katharine Buzicky | Centro de Estudios de Justicia de las American | |
Lena Petri | Judicial System Monitoring Project, International Commission of Jurists | |
Matthew Long | Legal Aid of Cambodia | |
Michele Murphy | Fundacion Familiares Victimas indefensas de Mendoza | |
Stephanie Brewer | Child Workers in Asia | |
Timothy Manion | Institute for Human Rights and Development | |
Zinaida Miller | Association for Civil Rights in Israel | |
2004 | Ali Cole | International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda |
Britton Schwartz | CIBCSA | |
Carlos Zelada | Inter-American Commission on Human Rights | |
Chaz Arnett | Lawyers for Human Rights — Child’s Rights Project | |
Colleen Guilford | South Asia Human Rights Documentation Center | |
Elvita Dominique | Jamaicans for Justice | |
Jasmine Marwaha | Committee for Information and Initiative on Punjab | |
Jenee Desmond-Harris | Lawyers for Human Rights | |
Jennifer Langlais | Alternative Law Forum | |
Jessica Tucker-Mohl | Legal Resource Center | |
Joel Burgos | COFAVI | |
Joyce Ahn | International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda | |
Kristin Sandvik | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | |
Lena Salaymeh | Palestine Human Rights Organization | |
Mohamed Pa-Momo Fofanah | INTERRIGHTS | |
Mugambi Kiai | Social Economic Rights Action Center | |
Nithan Sannappa | South Asian Human Rights Documentation Center | |
Prabha Kotiswaran | National Network of Sex Workers | |
Sandy Alexander | Peruvian Agency for International Development | |
Steven Liang | Legal Aid of Cambodia | |
Tracey Kim | Foundation for Human Rights Initiative | |
2003 | Andreea Prodan | Legal Resource Foundation |
Angel Wesley | RADDHO | |
Angela Wu | European Roma Rights Centre | |
Anika Simmons | Legal Resources Foundation | |
Chi Mgbako | United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda | |
Curtis Murungi | Kenya Human Rights Commission | |
Dan Schlanger | InterAmerican Court of Human Rights | |
Dana King | Center for Environment and Development | |
David Flechner | Conectas | |
Donovan Rinker-Morris | Human Rights Center for Advocacy of Prisoners | |
Goswami Amlan | Center for International Environmental Law | |
Gregory Krafka | International Justice Mission | |
Indirajith Meganathan | Justica Global | |
Jennifer Pendleton | Legal Resource Center | |
Joanne Jackson | United Nations Development Fund for Women | |
Kelly Shapiro | Jamaicans for Justice | |
Laurel Firestone | Legislative Assembly of Sao Paulo – Human Rights Commission | |
Mahama Ayariga | Bank Information Center | |
Manuela Cuvi | UN High Commissioner of Human Rights | |
Marc Krickbaum | Legal Resources Centre | |
Maria Miljiker | Inter-American Commission on Human Rights | |
Marie-Eve Sylvestre | Conselho da Comunidade | |
Mike Dzakuma | United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda | |
Nadia Motraghi | European Roma Rights Centre | |
Nicole Birch | Lawyers for Human Rights | |
Oliver Lewis | Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales | |
Pamela Bradshaw | Women’s Legal Centre | |
Richa Gulati | Manushi Journal and Activist Org | |
Stephan Sonnenberg | International Helsinki Federation | |
Susan Farbstein | United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda | |
Tanya Monforte | Al Haq | |
Xiaohui Liang | US Refugee Committee | |
2002 | Adam Stofsky | Social & Economic Rights Action Center (SERAC) |
Adam Teicholz | Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL) | |
Andia Rossana | Cultural Survival | |
Ann Kivaa | Amnesty International | |
Anna Spain | Legal Resources Foundation | |
Crisarla Houston | Legal Resources Center | |
Daniel Rearick | United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda | |
David Baharvar | Defensa de los Ninos Internacional – Cochabamba | |
Donovan Rinker-Morris | Afghans for Civil Society | |
Edward Grauman | Centro de Derechos Economicos y Sociales | |
Jasmine B. Gonzales Rose | Legal Aid of Cambodia | |
Jermaine Hughes | Organización de Desarrollo Étnico Comunitario | |
Julieta Beatriz Di Corletto | Center for Justice and International Law | |
June Park | ProPublic | |
Kara Abramson | International Service of Human Rights | |
Laura Ferry | Lawyers for Human Rights | |
Lerato Molefe | RADDHO | |
Michael Camilleri | Center for Justice and International Law | |
Owen Alterman | National Forum for Human Rights | |
Pascale Fournier | LAW in Palestine | |
Paul Boehm | Human Rights Watch | |
Ronja Bandyopadhyay | UNDCP Regional Centre for East Asia and the Pacific | |
2001 | Ajit Joy | Lawyers Committee for Human Rights |
Amina Para Matlon | Honey Bee and Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions | |
D. Austin Hare | U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights | |
Faisal Chaudhry | Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid | |
Hava Guney | International Commission of Jurists in Geneva | |
I. Glenn Cohen | International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia | |
Jaskaran Kaur Grewal | Committee for Coordination on Disappearances in Punjab | |
Joshua Bloodworth | Japan Civil Liberties Union | |
Natalie Reid | United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda | |
Shirley Jean | Legal Resources Centre | |
Sujata Barai | Self-Employed Women’s Association | |
Tom Kellogg | Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor | |
2000 | Allison Brown | Legal Resources Centre in Ghana |
Ashwini Sukthankar | Legal Resources Commission in South Africa | |
Benjamin Halasz | Human Rights Organization of Nepal | |
David Bitkower | International Criminal Tribunal | |
David Winickoff | Mannvernd | |
Dustin Sharp | Human Rights Watch and various NGOs in Chad | |
Elizabeth Carson | Kigali’s Prosecutor’s Office | |
Ellen Hochberg | Human Rights Commission | |
Fatma Marouf | LAW in Palestine | |
Julie Yip | Ain o Salish Kendra | |
Kerri Sherlock | Physicians for Human Rights | |
Khalil Shariff | International Criminal Tribunal in Arusha | |
Laura Kim | Empower | |
Melanca Clark | Legal Resources Centre | |
Naz Modirzadeh | Atty Ebadi, UN World Food Programme | |
Raymond Atuguba | Lawyers Committee for Human Rights in New York | |
Sabrineh Ardalan | Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Zagreb | |
Sandra von Salis | S. Asian Human Rights Documentation Centre | |
Stephanie Wang | Self Employeed Women’s Association in India | |
Taryn Fielder | Human Rights Commission | |
William Burke-White | International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia | |
Zachary Lomo | Global Trade Watch | |
1999 | David Bigge | Legal Assistance Centre (Windhoek, Namibia) |
Zarifa Brown | South African Parliament, Justice Committee (Cape Town, South Africa) | |