
Gerald Neuman

Call for Applications: The HRP Visiting Fellows Program

The Human Rights Program invites applications from advocates and/or practitioners to be in residence for a period of one or…

Wednesday, Sept. 25: Peaceful Assembly, from Occupy to Taksim Square

Event Notice September 25, 2013 “Peaceful Assembly: From Occupy to Taksim Square” 5:00 p.m. WCC 2009 Harvard Law School Even…

Tomorrow, Thursday, Nov. 15: The Rule of Law at Home and Abroad

Event Notice November 15, 2012 “Rule of Law at Home and Abroad – A Critical Perspective” 12 – 2 pm…

Giannini and Neuman appointed co-directors of the Human Rights Program

Tyler Giannini, Clinical Professor of Law, and Gerald L. Neuman ’80, J. Sinclair Armstrong Professor of International, Foreign and Comparative…