Tomorrow, Feb. 5: “A Right to Health?”
February 5, 2015
“The Right to Health?”
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
WCC 3019
There have been recent calls to establish a framework convention on health grounded in the human right to health. But is there really a human right to health? If there is, what does it entitle us to, and how do we decide? John Tasioulas, Professor and Director of the Yeoh Tiong Lay Centre for Politics, Philosophy, and Law in The Dickson Poon School of Law at King’s College London, will offer new answers to these questions, and will further argue that global health policy has to be responsive to all human rights, not just the right to health, and that we must address more than human rights in order to create effective global health policy. Professor Tasioulas is the 2014-2015 Lisa Goldberg Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University. I. Glenn Cohen, Faculty Director of the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, BioTechnology and BioEthics, will respond.