Catherine Le Magueresse
Le Magueresse is a president of the European Association Against Violence toward Women in the Workplace (Association Europeene contre les Violence faites aux femmes au Travail — AVFT). She worked as a lawyer with the AVFT and in private practice. She has been an active participant in major fora for promoting women’s rights, including the World Conference in Beijing (1995) and the annual meetings of the Committee on the Status of Women. She has written a number of articles for the AVFT on women’s rights, as well as one article for a leading journal on social law. While at HLS, she researched the application of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), a treaty that has been ratified in France but has had little impact. She examined its effects in other countries where it was ratified and the possible means of expanding its use.