Henigson Fellows


Sabrina Ochoa JD’24 is a human rights advocate and scholar. From 2024 to 2025, she is a Henigson Fellow with CenterLaw Philippines, where she focuses on using both international and domestic avenues to secure remedies for victims of human rights abuses.

Deepika Singh JD ’24 is an aspiring international human rights lawyer from Sharon, Massachusetts. For the 2024-2025 year, she is a Henigson Fellow with Thai Lawyers for Human Rights, where she joins the International Advocacy Team in securing civil and political rights for Thai people.


Rebecca Gore, LL.M’23, is a South African human rights lawyer and scholar. For the 2023-24 academic year, she is a Henigson Fellow with the Clooney Foundation for Justice’s new initiative on Waging Justice for Women, where she focuses on data-driven strategic litigation and advocacy to reform discriminatory laws against women and promote accountability for gender-based violence in South Africa and Malawi.


Seher Aftab, LL.M. ’22 was a Henigson Fellow for the 2022-2023 academic year with the International Legal Foundation (ILF). Her project focuses on providing quality legal aid services for women, children and other vulnerable populations who are at a heightened risk of large-scale human rights violations in Afghanistan.


Fabiola Alvelais, JD’20, works with Mujeres en Busca de Justicia (MBJ) in La Paz, Bolivia, investigating and addressing the intersectional dimensions of femicide.

Ji Yoon Kang, JD’20, works with Asylum Access Malaysia, providing direct legal services for refugees and asylum seekers, conducting “know-your-options” workshops, and engaging with UNHCR and other stakeholders on refugee rights in Malaysia.

Rupali Samuel, LLM’20, works with Parichay, a nongovernmental human rights initiative providing legal representation to vulnerable persons facing the prospect of statelessness as a result of a citizenship verification exercise conducted in the state of Assam in northeast India. At Parichay, Rupali leads and coordinates student teams in supporting Parichay’s mission of aiding disenfranchised individuals, both through representation and documentation, as well as engaging in strategic impact litigation.


Nerissa Naidoo, LLM 19, is working with Social Media Exchange in Lebanon, focusing on advancing human rights norms in a digital age.


Alejandra Elguero Altner, LLM’17, was a Legal Fellow with Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) in Nairobi, Kenya, where she worked on projects that address sexual- and gender-based violence in South Sudan and Somalia.

(Fellowship mentors: Regina Fitzpatrick, Human Rights Officer, UN; Salma Waheedi, Lecturer on Law, IHRC; and, Sareta Ashraph, Barrister, Garden Court Chambers)

Conor Hartnett, JD’18, was a Legal Fellow with Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) in Colombo, Sri Lanka, where he focused on transitional justice within two different spheres: criminal justice accountability and education.

(Fellowship mentors: Anna Crowe, Lecturer on Law, IHRC, and Lilian Langford, Head of Rule of Law, OSCE)


Roni Druks, JD’17, worked in the Palestinian Territories with Yesh Din.

(Fellowship mentors: Tyler Giannini, Director, International Human Rights Clinic, and Nicolette Waldman (Boehland), Researcher, Amnesty International)

Lan Mei, JD’17, worked in Guyana with the Forest Peoples Programme, providing legal support to indigenous communities on land and environmental rights.

(Fellowship mentors: Anna Crowe, Clinical Instructor, International Human Rights Clinic; Marian Ingrams, Fulbright Scholar, former Satter Fellow; Maryum Jordan, Bertha Fellow, EarthRights International)


Emily Norman, J.D. ’15, worked in Mexico with the Institute for Women in Migration (El Instituto para las Mujeres en la Migración).


Elizabeth Carthy, LLM ’15, worked in Haiti at the Bureau des Avocats Internationaux and will in South Africa work at Lawyers Against Abuse.


Maryum Jordan, J.D. ’14, worked in Peru with EarthRights International.

Lindsay Henson, J.D. ’14, worked in South Africa with Lawyers Against Abuse.

Sarah Wheaton, J.D. ’14, worked in Egypt with St. Andrew’s Resettlement Legal Aid Project.

Anjali Mohan, J.D. ’14, worked in Myanmar with Justice Base.


Elsa Meany, J.D. ’13, worked in Colombia and Spain with Women’s Link Worldwide.

Lillian Langford, J.D. ’13, worked in Kyrgyzstan with Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan.


Elizabeth Summers, J.D. ’12, worked in Georgia at Article 42 of the Constitution.

Anna Crowe, LL.M ’12, worked in Colombia with the International Crisis Group.


Lara Talsma, LL.M. ’11, spent her year working with Amnesty International-Mexico on refugee issues.

Taylor Landis, J.D. ’11, worked at the International Criminal Court at The Hague.

Marissa Vahlsing, J.D. ’11, and Ben Hoffman, J.D. ’11, spent their fellowship years with EarthRights International in Peru.


Alison Davidian, LL.M. ’10, spent part of her fellowship year at Equality Now in Zambia, and part at the International Center for Transitional Justice in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Jan Fiala, LL.M. ’10, spent his fellowship year at the Disability Rights Center in Hungary.


Aua Balde, LL.M. ’09, worked at TOSTAN in Senegal.

Thomas Becker, J.D. ’08, spent his fellowship year with Comité Impulsor in Bolivia.


Jonas-Sebastien Beaudry, LL.M. ’07, worked at the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL) in San Jose, Costa Rica.

Nate Ela, J.D. ’07, spent his fellowship year as a staff member at Grupo Semillas in Bogotá, Colombia.

Erica Gaston, J.D. ’07, worked for two organizations in Kabul, Afghanistan — the Welfare Associate for the Development of Afghanistan (WADAN), and the Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC).

Andrew McIntyre, LL.M. ’08, spent his fellowship year working in the Constitutional Litigation Unit of the Legal Resources Centre (LRC) in Johannesburg, South Africa.


Stephanie Brewer, J.D. ’07, spent her fellowship year with the Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez (Centro Prodh) in Mexico City, Mexico.

Jacob Kopas, J.D. ’07, spent his fellowship year working with the legal team at Tierraviva, in Asuncion, Paraguay.

Yukyan Lam, J.D. ’07, worked with the Comisión Colombiana de Juristas in Bogotá, Colombia.

Rebecca Wright, J.D. ’07, served as a legal consultant with the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) in Cairo, Egypt.

2006-2007 Fellows

Nikolaus Grubeck, LL.M. ’06, worked with the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission.

Sergiu Troie, J.D. ’05, spent his fellowship year in Delhi, working with the South Asian Human Rights Documentation Centre.

Stephan Sonnenberg, J.D. ’06, worked with Human Rights Focus and the Feinstein International Famine Center in Uganda.


Isabel Goodman, LL.M. ’05, spent her fellowship year engaged in both litigation and advocacy work with the Lawyer’s Committee HIV/AIDS Unit in Mumbai, India.

Chi Mgbako, J.D. ’05, worked in Dakar, Senegal, with the International Crisis Group’s West Africa Project on its projects focusing on Sierra Leone.

Bridgette Toy-Cronin, LL.M. ’05, spent her fellowship year in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, working with the Cambodian Defenders Project. She will assist in establishing a monitoring group of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal and will work with the Women’s Resource Center to develop educational documents on women’s rights.


Mike Camilleri, J.D. ’04, worked with Guatemalan human rights organizations in creating a Commission for the Investigation of Illegal Bodies and Clandestine Security Apparatus (CICIACS).

Alison Cole, LL.M ’04, worked on improving the human rights of women in Rwanda through the Rwanda Women’s Network.

Jennifer Langlais, LL.M ’04, worked with the South Asian Human Rights Documentation Centre in New Delhi, India.


Zarine Habeeb, LL.M. ’03, undertook advocacy and litigation work on Roma rights in Europe

Ashley Martabano, J.D. ’03, spent her fellowship working on law reform advocacy in South Africa.

Lorna McGregor, LL.M. ’03, worked on transitional justice and the peace process in Sri Lanka.

2002-2003 Fellows

Stephanie Wang, J.D. ’02, developed education and training programs for people living with HIV/AIDS in China.

Emily Schaffer, J.D. ’01, who clerked for the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, spent her 2002 fellowship working as an advocate trained in the Organization of American States (OAS) system with nongovernmental organizations in Costa Rica and Brazil.

2001-2002 Fellows

Mirna Adjami, J.D. ’00, worked on transitional justice and human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo during her fellowship.

Arthur Kim, ’00, worked on the expansion of a human rights prosecution clinic in Haiti.