As governments respond to the novel coronavirus, asylum-seekers, migrants, and refugees are increasingly being left behind. Housing in overcrowded camps and informal reception centers undermines access to the adequate health care, sanitation, and water needed to protect against COVID-19. And some governments are taking advantage of the pandemic to enact discriminatory prevention and treatment measures, including by rejecting asylum-seekers. Join us for a discussion with Bill Frelick (Human Rights Watch), Gillian Triggs (UNHCR), and Sana Mustafa (Asylum Access/ Network for Refugee Voices); moderated by Kate Evans (Duke).
The series is organized by the Columbia Law School Human Rights Institute, Duke Law’s International Human Rights Clinic, Columbia Law School’s Center for Gender and Sexuality Law, and Just Security.
It is co-sponsored by the Center for International Human Rights at Northwestern’s Bluhm Legal Clinic, Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Duke Environmental Law and Policy Clinic, Cornell International Human Rights Clinic: Litigation and Advocacy, Harvard Law School’s Human Rights Program, Human Rights Watch, the International Commission of Jurists, the International Human Rights Clinic at University of Chicago Law School, Northeastern Law School’s Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy, Opinio Juris, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, Tanner Humanities Center at the University of Utah, UCLA’s Promise Institute for Human Rights, UC Berkeley’s Miller Institute for Global Challenges and the Law, the University of Dayton’s Human Rights Center, and the University of Minnesota Law School’s Human Rights Center.
Free and open to the public. Join events via Zoom (password: 200022).