Harvard Human Rights Journal – Symposium on the Environment and Human Rights

The Harvard Human Rights Journal is hosting the Symposium on the Environment and Human Rights on March 28th, 2024 at Harvard Law School. Co-sponsors of the event are: SADER Legal, the Salata Institute, the Human Rights Program and the Harvard Environmental & Energy Law Program.
This event is taking place as part of a Harvard Law School Climate Series. The next event of the Series is the Symposium “African Perspectives on International Climate Change Law” on March 29th, 2024.
Please find below the anticipated schedule for the Symposium on the Environment and Human Rights. Register here.
Symposium Program
9:00 – 9:30
Introduction and Welcome Remarks
Location: Austin 100, Harvard Law School
10:00 – 11:00
Panel 1 – International Climate Negotiations: Protection of Environmental Rights
Location: Austin 100, Harvard Law School
- Dr. Patricia Mbote, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi, Kenya
- Professor David Boyd, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights & the Environment, and Associate Professor of law, policy, and sustainability at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Dr. Fabiano de Andrade Correa, The World Bank, Washington, D.C.
11:15 – 12:15
Panel 2 – Advancements in the Environment & Business & Human Rights
Location: Austin 100, Harvard Law School
Moderator: Professor Tyler Giannini, Harvard Law School
- Dr. Pichamon Yeophantong, United Nations Working Group on Business & Human Rights (UN WGBHR), Geneva, Switzerland
- Mr. Phil Bloomer, Executive Director, Business & Human Rights Resource Center, Oxford, England
- Dr. Sara L Seck, Yogis & Keddy Chair in Human Rights Law, Schulich School of Law, and Director of the Marine & Environmental Law Institute, Dalhousie University
- Ms. Takoua Tayari, Business & Human Rights National Analyst, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Tunisia
12:15 – 1:30
Panel 3 – Climate Litigation before Regional & International Courts
Location: Austin 100, Harvard Law School
Moderator: Dr. Yusra Suedi, Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in International Law, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
- Professor Payam Akhavan, Professor of International Law and Human Rights Chair, Massey College, University of Toronto, Canada
- Professor Benyam Dawit Mezmur, Professor of Law and Deputy Dean at the University of the Western Cape in Cape Town, South Africa
- Professor Michael Burger, Executive Director, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, Columbia University
1:45 – 2:45
Panel 4 – Climate Migration: Displacement in the Age of Climate Change
Location: Austin 100, Harvard Law School
Moderator: Professor Gerald Neuman, Harvard Law School J. Sinclair Armstrong Professor of International, Foreign, and Comparative Law, and the Director of the Human Rights Program at HLS
- Professor Walter Kälin, Expert Advisory Group for the United Nations Secretary General’s High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement, University of Bern, Switzerland
- Professor Kate Jastram, Director of Policy & Advocacy at the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies, University of California College of the Law, San Francisco
- Dr. Leila Hanafi, George Washington University/The World Bank, Washington, D.C.
3:15 – 4:15
Panel 5 – Human Rights Advocacy for Indigenous Rights & the Environment
Location: WCC 1019, Harvard Law School
Moderator: Professor Andrew Mergen, Emmett Visiting Assistant Clinical Professor of Law in Environmental Law, and Faculty Director, Emmett Environmental Law and Policy Clinic
- Professor Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, Chair in Sustainable Development Law and Policy, University of Cambridge; Law Fellow, Director of Studies and Programme Director, Lucy Cavendish College; Senior Director of the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, Executive Secretary of the Climate Law and Governance Initiative for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and Chair of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, Biodiversity Law and Governance Initiative
- Professor Olanrewaju Fagbohun, SAN, Faculty of Law, Lagos State University and Director, Environmental Law Research Institute, Nigeria
- Professor James R. May, Esq., Distinguished Professor of Law, Founder and Director, Global Environmental Rights Institute Co-Founder, Dignity Law Institute, Widener University, Delaware Law School, Delaware
4:15 – 4:30
Closing Remarks
Location: WCC 1019, Harvard Law School
5:00 – 6:30
Location: Milstein East, Harvard Law School