
Human Rights Program Symposium: Human Rights, Democracy, and Legitimacy in the 21st Century

May 3 and May 4
Harvard Law School, Wasserstein Hall, Milstein East

The interdisciplinary symposium explores the linkages and tensions between human rights, democracy, and legitimacy in the destabilized world order of the 21st century.

May 3

9am – 5:30pm

Reception to follow.

Part I:  The Assessment of Basic Concepts in a World of Disorder

Speakers include Professors Norman Daniels (HSPH), Richard Fallon (HLS), Wilfried Hinsch (Cologne University), Sheila Jasanoff (HKS), Frank Michelman (HLS), Samuel Moyn (HLS), Gerald Neuman (HLS), Mathias Risse (HKS), Thomas Scanlon (FAS), Cass Sunstein (HLS), and Jonathan Zittrain (HLS).

May 4

9:00 am – 1:15pm

Part II:  Solutions for a World in Disorder?

Panel 1:  New Actors, New Risks, New Legitimacy?

Panel 2:  Challenges of Global Health Law

Panel 3:  EU Law, Human Rights, and Immigration

Speakers include Professors Glenn Cohen (HLS), Tyler Giannini (HLS), Iris Goldner Lang (Zagreb University), Vlad Perju (Boston College),  Silja Vöneky (Freiburg University), and Alicia Ely Yamin (HSPH).

For further details, see full program here.

Organized by Professor Silja Vöneky and Gerald Neuman. Sponsored by the Human Rights Program.