
Ibrahim Comments on U.S.-Ethiopia Relations in Foreign Policy Magazine

U.S. delegation meets with Ethiopian representatives around table. Credit: MFA Ethiopia
U.S. diplomatic delegation led by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken meeting with representatives of the Ethiopian government on March 14. Credit: Ethiopia MFA

On March 14, Foreign Policy Magazine published an opinion piece titled “Ethiopia Is Not Ready for Transitional Justice”, which was co-authored by HRP Associate Director Abadir M. Ibrahim and Seifudein Adem, a professor of global studies at Doshisha University. Against the backdrop of U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s recent trip to Ethiopia, their piece shines light on the debate about whether and how the U.S. government should reengage the Ethiopian government as Ethiopia emerges from a devastating civil war in which all sides committed mass atrocities.

Read the full article on the Foreign Policy website.