This Thursday: The Rights of Lawyers in China
Our friends over at the Harvard Human Rights Journal are holding their 10th annual symposium on Thursday. It’s free! And it looks super interesting…
“China: The Rights of Lawyers”
April 14, 2011
11:30 am- 5:00 pm
Ropes Gray, Pound Hall
Over the course of the past few months, many prominent Chinese human rights lawyers have been imprisoned or simply disappeared. This year’s Symposium examines their work, its impact on the human rights situation within China, and possible international responses to the crackdown.
In the first panel, academics, NGO directors, activists and practitioners will discuss the changing role of rights lawyers in the Chinese legal system, focusing on the work of some high-profile recently disappeared attorneys. In the second panel, the discussion will turn to means of engagement by other governments, civil society, and overseas rights groups.
Finally, keynote statements sent to HHRJ by current Chinese rights lawyers will be presented, along with statements from those close to the recently abducted leading attorneys Gao Zhisheng and Teng Biao, the former of whom has been tortured and is feared dead.
This event is free and open to the public.
Free catered lunch and cocktail reception.