Today: A Screening of “Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today”
Please join us today at noon for a viewing of the ground-breaking film, “Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today”. As narrative, the film captures a moment in global history that continues to shape international conceptions of justice, war, and genocide. As historical document, the newly restored footage is a testament to the raw power of visual media, a power that certain parties might seek to suppress or manipulate. As creative endeavor, “Nuremberg” is the triumph of a team of filmmakers committed to seeking truth.
The Harvard Law Documentary Studio—a community dedicated to creating and screening original documentaries on social and policy topics —is honored to co-sponsor this event, along with the Human Rights Program, Facing History and Ourselves, and the HLS Office of the Dean.
Victor Ban, JD ’13, is the President of the Harvard Law Documentary Studio (www.facebook.com/harvardlawdocs)
Event Notice
“Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today”
12:00- 2:00 pm
John Chipman Gray
Introductory Remarks by Dean Martha Minow
Special guest Sandra Schulberg, restoration producer & daughter of filmmaker Stuart Schulberg, will discuss the use of motion picture evidence at the trial; the making of “Nuremberg”; and its subsequent suppression by the U.S. government.