TONIGHT: “Refugees and Crisis in Europe and the Americas”
October 27, 2015
“Refugees and Crisis in Europe and the Americas”
5:30- 7:00 p.m.
Milstein East A
As refugee flows out of the Middle East, Africa and Central America grab our attention, this panel explores the legal and normative frameworks that apply to refugees and their reception, and the inadequate government responses to the current crises. Panelists: Prof. Deborah Anker, Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Harvard Law School Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program; Prof. Dr. Iris Goldner Lang, Fulbright Scholar and Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School; Prof. Gerald Neuman, the J. Sinclair Armstrong Professor of International, Foreign, and Comparative Law Co-Director, Human Rights Program at Harvard Law School.
Sponsored by the Human Rights Program and the Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinic