HRP Summer Fellowships: Deadline Approaching!
Every summer, the Human Rights Program funds internships at NGOs and government agencies for several law students who are considering human rights work as a career. HRP’s Summer Fellowship is open to JD students going into their 2L or 3L years and some LLMs.
The summer fellowship is a particularly great opportunity for those considering advanced human rights studies during the remainder of law school, and then careers in human rights.
“Human rights work is very rewarding but also challenging,” HRP Associate Director Emily Keehn said. “The summer fellowship enables students to gain substantial field experience, which is critical to the development of their human rights careers.”
Applications are due February 1, 2018; students must meet with Emily before applying.
To get a sense of the range of opportunities, here’s where our 2017 summer fellows worked:
Allie Brudney, JD ’19, worked at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights; Niku Jafarnia, JD ’19, worked at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Ankara, Turkey; Alisan Oliver-Li, JD ’19, worked at the Legal Assistance Centre in Windoek, Namibia; Claudia Torres, LLM’16/SJD’20, worked in Mexico City at Brigada Callejera de Apoyo a la Mujer “Elisa Martinez,” an organization advocating for low-income sex workers’ human rights and civil liberties; Thaya Uthayophas, JD ’18, worked at Privacy International, a London-based organization advocating for the right to privacy across the world; and Evelyn Zheng, JD’18, worked at Justice Base, a Yangon-based organization that aims to promote the rule of law in transitional and post-conflict societies.
Emily will be available throughout January to advise students in-person. Please also feel free to email her ([email protected]) with any questions. Detailed information on the application process can be found on HRP’s website.