

No Place to Hide: Gang, State and Clandestine Violence in El Salvador

Seventeen years after the civil war in El Salvador came to an end, violence and insecurity continue to shape the

Interrogations, Forced Feedings, and the Role of Health Professionals: New Perspectives on International Human Rights, Humanitarian Law, and Ethics

The involvement of health professionals in human rights and humanitarian law violations has again become a live issue as a

Prosecuting Apartheid-Era Crimes? A South African Dialogue on Justice

In December 2005, South Africa’s National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) promulgated a controversial policy on the prosecution of apartheid-era crimes, sparking

Security in Paraguay: Analysis and Responses in Comparative Perspective

The perception of rising insecurity has plagued Paraguay over the past decade as the country has continued its transition from

Strangers to the Constitution: Immigrants, Borders, and Fundamental Law